I can't find where either came from, but apparently they were jamming some sensor in the hopper, because when I put it back together, it all worked. When I did, I tilted it and a small piece of plastic and a broken screw head dropped out. (3) I dug everything out of the hopper and removed it. It gave some error number that seemed to be related to the hopper though. I slid it back and used a level on the top to make sure it really was level, but it still didn't work. We have tile floors and one of the tiles was slightly higher than the other, which caused it to tilt left to right (the power cord caused it to tip front to back). When I fixed the cord, I also moved the game about 3 inches to the left.
(2) Never, never, never assume your floor is level. This is the fix that led to the previous posting. This was fixed by pulling the cord out and making sure it fed through the hole in the top of the cabinet correctly. It was tipped slightly forward because a loop of the power cord was caught between the bottom of the slot machine and the metal cabinet it sits on. It turns out that there were 3 things wrong with it.
I finally got tired of having a broken slot machine taking up valuable room, so I started messing with it again.